Senac Young Apprentice: how it works, vacancies, registrations and more

Want to know how Senac's Jovem Aprendiz program works? Check out the main information about the program and how to sign up here!

Get the first job can be a bit complicated, right? But with the opportunities of Senac Young Apprentice, you can get a job and start make money and experience.

Vacancies are available for hundreds of young people and teenagers who wish to enter the job market. Remember that to compete for the available vacancies, it is necessary to register.

Throughout the content, you will be able to check out more information about the learning program, the opportunities offered, step-by-step details and much more!

About Senac

The National Commercial Apprenticeship Service, known as Senac, is a professional education institution.

Their qualifications are aimed at various areas in the trade of goods, tourism and services.

Therefore, many people look to Senac to have the chance to improve their professional skills.

And maybe you don't know, but Senac also prepares many for the job market in practice, with the Senac Young Apprentice.

There are vacancies for several teenagers and young people take the first step into the job market and build their careers.

Remembering that Senac aims to prepare and qualify professionals to meet the demands of the job market.

How does Senac Young Apprentice work?

Initially, Senac reserves around 5% to 15% of its places for teenagers and young people who participate in the program.

However, it is important to say that unlike other companies, Senac allocates these vacancies to companies linked to the educational institution.

This is because the job applications are not made by Senac, but by the hiring companies. We can say that the institution works as a gateway.

Remembering that the Young Apprentice program is not only for young people, but also for companies that can qualify and develop future professionals.

Therefore, Senac also provides a space for companies to publicize their opportunities for young apprentices.

In this way, the company responsible for recruiting the apprentice forwards him/her to Senac, enrolling him/her in one of the courses available in the area of activity of the Apprenticeship Program.

Source: Reproduction | Senac and Senai

Finally, it is worth saying that the Senac Young Apprentice It is somewhat different from the others, because it is the institution responsible for apprentices hired by various companies.

Vacancies available at Senac Young Apprentice

Generally, Senac offers professional training courses where apprentices enroll according to the role they will take on in the hiring company.

Among the available job opportunities, apprentices can be enrolled in the following courses:

  • Apprenticeship in Administrative Assistant;
  • Supermarket Services Apprenticeship;
  • Apprenticeship in Snack Bar Attendant;
  • Apprenticeship in Restaurant Commis (professional assistant to the Waiter);
  • Sales Learning;
  • Learning in Service at Gas Stations;
  • Learning in Pharmacy Service.

In this way, Senac is the one that prepares the apprentice with courses of 1000 to 1080 hours. In this workload, there are 400 to 480 hours of theory and 600 hours of practice, taking place at the same time.

Apprentice workload

Therefore, the working hours of Senac apprentices will depend greatly on the company that contracts them.

However, it is important to emphasize that there are rules established by Apprenticeship Law to the process.

At first, learners need to make available between 4 to 6 hours of your time for your professional duties.

If these rules are violated, it is important that the company understands the risks established by the apprentice law.

Senac apprentice salary

The remuneration of a Senac apprentice is also another point that can be greatly influenced, mainly due to the position and hours worked.

Generally, the apprentice's remuneration is based on the minimum wage in the base year, allowing for earnings of more than R$1,000.00.

Rules for registering for Senac Young Apprentice

First of all, it is important to know the main rules established by Senac for registering in the process.

This is because the application is made available on the website, however, the criteria are established so that you can register on the Senac website.

It is essential to pay attention to these criteria, this way, you will be able to participate in the selection process free from any worries.

Therefore, if you are interested, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be between 14 and 24 years old;
  • Be attending elementary or high school;
  • Find a company that is hiring apprentices;
  • Have all documents (CPF, RG and Work Card);
  • Not having experiences;
  • Have between 4 and 6 hours available.

Attention! You need to know that there is no maximum age limit if you have any type of disability.

Finally, if you meet the criteria mentioned above, you will be able to apply for one of the vacancies advertised on the Senac website.

How to register for Senac Young Apprentice?

As seen throughout the content, the Senac Young Apprentice program offers several benefits to its apprentices. Through it, it is possible to work and study at the same time, in addition to gaining experience and money.

But after all, how to register in the program to compete for available vacancies? You can find vacancies on the official Senac website in your state or on employment platforms.

During the registration process, you will need to fill out a form with all the requested data and then submit it!

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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