Do young apprentices earn a 13th salary? See the rules and benefits

Want to know if Young Apprentices earn the 13th salary? Check here to see if apprentices are entitled to this and other benefits.

Many people wonder if Young Apprentice earns 13th salary. And if you are also curious to know if Young Apprentices are entitled to this extra remuneration, know that we wrote this article to clarify this issue. So, keep following us to find out if Young Apprentice earns 13th salary and other important information.

Do young apprentices earn the 13th salary? (Image: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels)

Does the Young Apprentice earn the 13th salary?

The Young Apprentice Program can be an excellent opportunity for young people between 14 and 24 years old to enter the job market and have the chance to combine employment with studies. 

However, many doubts arise about the labor rights of these young people, especially in relation to the 13th salary. 

So, know that according to labor legislation, the Young Apprentice is entitled to the 13th salary, just like any other worker with a signed employment contract. 

Rules for payment of the 13th salary of the Young Apprentice

The payment of the 13th salary to Young Apprentices follows the same rules applied to other workers with signed employment contracts. See below what they are:

  • Proportionality: the value of the 13th salary is calculated based on the months worked in the year. For each month of work, the apprentice acquires the right to 1/12 of the salary;
  • Payment term: the payment term must be the same as for other workers;
  • Equal rights to other employees: Young Apprentices are hired under the CLT regime, which guarantees them the same rights, including the 13th salary.

When does the Young Apprentice receive the 13th salary?

The Young Apprentice receives the 13th salary in two installments, following the same rules as other workers hired under the CLT regime. 

Therefore, the first installment must be paid by November 30th, while the second installment must be paid by December 20th. 

If the apprentice is dismissed from the company before these deadlines, he/she will receive the 13th salary proportional to the time worked at the time of termination of the contract.

How is the benefit calculated?

As with other employees, the value of the Young Apprentice's 13th salary is proportional to the time worked. 

Therefore, for each month worked, the apprentice receives 1/12 of the value of his salary. So, if the young person worked every month of the year, he will receive the full value of his salary as the 13th salary. 

However, if the apprentice does not complete one year at the company, he/she will receive the amount corresponding to the months worked.

For example, if the apprentice worked for 6 months at the company and the monthly salary is R$1,000, the apprentice will be entitled to R$500 as the 13th salary.

Other benefits of the Young Apprentice program

In addition to the 13th salary, the Young Apprentice is entitled to other benefits. Check out the main ones below:

  • Signed employment contract: the Young Apprentice contract is governed by the CLT, which guarantees labor rights;
  • Paid holidays: the Young Apprentice is entitled to holidays, which must coincide with the school holiday period, to ensure that the young person does not lose focus on their studies;
  • Transport voucher: the provision of transport vouchers is mandatory so that the apprentice can travel to the workplace;
  • FGTS: the Severance Pay Guarantee Fund is also a right guaranteed to Young Apprentices. The rate applied is 2%, lower than that of regular workers, but the benefit is the same;
  • Reduced working hours: the working hours of the Young Apprentice are a maximum of 6 hours per day. If the apprentice has already completed high school, the working hours can be up to 8 hours per day;
  • Training course: in addition to working at the company, the apprentice has the chance to participate in a training course offered by the institution to ensure their professional development;
  • Unemployment insurance: in cases of unfair dismissal, the Young Apprentice may be entitled to unemployment insurance, just like other workers.

As you saw above, the Young Apprentice earns 13th salary, in addition to other benefits, as well as other workers hired under the CLT regime. 

This can make the program a great opportunity for young people to gain professional experience while also enjoying the rights and guarantees of a formal worker.

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas


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