How to enroll in free SESC courses

See here a complete step-by-step guide on how to sign up for free SESC courses, requirements, necessary documents and more!

Many people want to study and learn new things, but they don't always have the money to pay for courses. This can be a big obstacle for those who are looking for new job opportunities or simply want to improve themselves personally.

The free courses offered by Sesc can help solve this problem. They offer a variety of courses in areas such as art, education and health, completely free of charge. This way, you can learn and grow without worrying about the cost.

Want to know how you can take advantage of these courses? Below, we’ll explain how to sign up for Sesc’s free courses. Follow us to learn the step-by-step process!

Who can enroll in free SESC courses?

Professional qualifications are aimed at training young people and adults who meet the registration criteria.

This is because the institution establishes some rules to ensure the participation of those who need it most. Check out the main criteria below:

  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Having completed high school or not;
  • Have an updated SESC card;
  • Have a computer with internet.

It is worth mentioning that SESC offers EAD EJA – High School courses, where you can obtain your basic education and professional qualifications.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that SESC has a partnership with the National Commercial Learning Service (Senac).

Please note that in addition to free courses, SESC also offers paid courses with special discounts for retail workers and their dependents.

What are the benefits of the courses offered by SESC?

The courses offer several benefits to Brazilians, in addition to contributing to Brazil's socioeconomic development.

In addition, the institution offers opportunities for learning, integration, financial savings and access to culture and leisure. Other benefits include:

  • Access to education and professional training;
  • Quality of teaching and learning;
  • Opportunities for socialization and integration;
  • Financial economics;
  • Diversity of areas and themes;
  • Access to cultural services and activities.

How to enroll in free SESC courses?

You free SESC courses can be great options for those looking to further their education. Available in every state, these courses cover a variety of areas, ensuring that you can find something that suits your interests and needs.

Below, we have provided important information about how the registration process works. Check it out:

  • Access the official SESC website in your state;
  • Check the free course options available and select the one that best fits your professional profile;
  • Then, make sure you meet all the requirements before proceeding;
  • Select the registration option to begin the process. Please note that there will be detailed instructions on how to register for the course you have chosen. This may include filling out an online form, submitting documents, or even participating in an interview or test.
  • After submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation by email or directly on the website. Please keep this confirmation as it may be needed on the day classes start.

By following these steps, you will be on the right track to taking advantage of the opportunities offered by SESC, expanding your skills and improving your chances in the job market. Good luck and happy studying!

Speak to one of the attendants and request your registration. However, it is important to pay attention to the vacancies available at the institution.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that in some cases, it is necessary to pre-register online and then confirm the registration in person.

What documentation is required by SESC?

To enroll in free SESC courses, you need to present some documents that are requested by the institution.

However, it is important to highlight that, just like the registration, the documents may vary according to each unit and the course. 

However, in general, the following documents are required:

  • Updated SESC card;
  • Photo ID (RG, CNH, among others);
  • Proof of residence;
  • Proof of employment with the trade worker (for dependents);
  • Between others.

In addition to these documents, the unit may request other specific documents, as previously mentioned. Therefore, it is essential to check in advance all the documentation required for each course and each SESC unit.

Are the courses certified?

Yes, the courses offered by SESC have certification, which proves your participation in their teaching.

Furthermore, certification can be issued in different forms, such as a certificate of participation, achievement or completion, among others.

Source: IG Economy

In this way, the free SESC courses offer great opportunities for you to enter the job market.

This is because you have access to professional training, thus improving your professional skills.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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