Can someone who has already had a formal employment contract be a young apprentice? What does the law say?

Looking for information about formal employment contracts and Young Apprenticeships? Check out more details here and get all your questions answered!

It is possible to become a young apprentice even having a signed card? We can help you find out! See here what the law says about signed card and young apprentice and also whether you fit into the legal options, in addition to deadlines and details that can help you reconcile studies and work, without getting into trouble with the law.

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CLT and Young Apprentice: everything you need to know

The question seems simple, but many people don't know if who already has a registered card, in fact, can become a young apprentice, and work while studying.

And the legislation itself will help us answer this question. Currently, there is law no. 10,097 of 2000. And everything we need to know about Young Apprentices is defined in it.

Therefore, the answer is simple and straightforward: anyone who already has a work permit can also become a young apprentice. But pay close attention to the details of the law.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the Young Apprentice Law has specific requirements when hiring young people. And these requirements do not exist when we are talking about a conventional employment contract.

Therefore, if you have ever been a worker, be careful because this type of contract is totally different. Therefore, pay attention to details so as not to end up at a loss.

THE learning program offers a combination of classroom theory and practical work, aimed at the professional development of young people.

What is special about the Young Apprentice contract?

As we mentioned, the Young Apprentice contract style is not the same as that of a conventional worker. Therefore, if you have already worked with a signed employment contract, you will feel the difference.

Carteira Assinada Jovem Aprendiz
Source: Reproduction | Mello e Araújo

With this in mind, the main elements that will stand out are:

  • There is a special type of contract: the young apprentice contract is a special contract because the rules that apply to a common employer do not apply here, including salary (there is a salary, but it is different).
  • Workload differentiated: the workload is reduced, as it needs to be compatible with the young person's school attendance, that is, they do not work 8 hours a day;
  • Hiring of Young Apprentices has a deadline: the apprenticeship contract can last up to two years;
  • Benefits: the young apprentice is entitled to a minimum hourly wage, vacation, 13th salary, FGTS with a reduced rate (2%) and other benefits provided for by law.

In other words, wherever the law benefits the Young Apprentice, he will find it in his contract. On the other hand, wherever the CLT is harmful to the young person, it will not be applied.

What does it take to become a Young Apprentice?

Even if you have a formal employment contract, the requirements must be met. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate them through documents. Therefore, to become an apprentice, you will need:

  • Minimum Age: between 14 and 24 years old, except for people with disabilities (no age limit for PcD);
  • Level of Education: enrolled and attending the school or course for which he/she was hired;
  • Availability: the student must demonstrate that he/she can combine practical activities in the company with the theoretical training offered by qualified institutions.

Therefore, if you already have an employment contract with a signed work contract and wish to join the young apprentice program, you must check the compatibility of the contracts and, possibly, terminate the current contract to join the program.

Becoming a young apprentice is an excellent opportunity for those who want to study and don't want to be left behind when it comes to the job market.

Cindy Borges
Written by

Cindy Borges

Teacher, writer by love and pianist at heart.


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