Senac Radiology course registration: how to register?

Learn how to enroll in the Senac Radiology course, with a complete and detailed step-by-step guide!

Looking for a flexible way to study anywhere and still specialize in the health field for free? Senac Radiology course can offer the chance to study with qualified professionals.

By enrolling in Senac qualification, you can receive free qualification and have access to updated content to expand your knowledge. Pretty good, don't you think?!

Below, you can check the rules and a complete step-by-step guide on how to register for the course, to compete for the vacancies offered and have the chance to be selected!

Rules for enrolling in the Senac radiology course

To enroll in the Senac Radiology course, candidates must meet some specific rules and requirements, which may vary depending on the institution. 

Generally, conditions include:

  • Level of education: It is necessary to have completed high school or equivalent. Some institutions may require the candidate to be in the last year of high school to begin the course;
  • Age: many technical courses require candidates to be at least 18 years old on the course start date;
  • Proof of health: in some cases, a medical examination may be required to ensure that the candidate is fit to cope with the physical and health demands of the course;
  • Availability for internship: students must be available to undertake internships in clinical settings, which are part of the course's practical training;
  • Specific requirements: Some units may have additional criteria, such as interviews or selection processes, and may offer different types of courses.
See how to enroll in the Senac Radiology course (Image: Disclosure/Blog Proz Educação)

What documents are required?

Please note that the institution also requires some documents to complete your enrollment. Among the documents, you need to have on hand:

  • Recent proof of residence;
  • RG (General Registry);
  • CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry);
  • Declaration of education, if required for the chosen course
  • Proof of income.

Remember that proof of income is required for those who will enroll in the course through the Senac Free Program. This is because one of the criteria is to belong to a low-income family.

How to enroll in the Senac Radiology course?

Since registration is done through the institution's official website, it is essential to have a device with internet access. The process is simple, with the aim of facilitating access to Senac's free radiology course. 

But before enrolling, check that you meet all the specific requirements for the desired course and the availability of places for the next class. It is important to be aware of the prerequisites and class capacity to ensure your successful enrollment.

Now, check out a step-by-step guide with all the registration steps:

Register for the Senac course (Image: Disclosure/Portal Senac)
  • Then, check the “Technical Courses” options available;
Register for the Senac course (Image: Disclosure/Portal Senac)
  • Then, select the Radiology option and see if the course has vacancies available;
  • After clicking on the course, check the information and select the “Sign up” button;
  • Then, create an account on the website, if you do not have one;
  • After that, fill out the form and send all the necessary documentation as requested.

It is worth noting that the selection process is based on two main criteria, such as vacancies and order of registration.

Candidates will be evaluated according to the date on which they register, prioritizing those who register first, as long as the required documentation is duly presented and verified. 

Proof of the documents required for enrollment is essential to guarantee inclusion in the selection process. 

Therefore, it is important that interested parties register as soon as possible and provide all the requested documentation to ensure their participation in the course.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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