Find out how to sign up for free Senac courses

With this step-by-step guide, you can learn how to sign up for free Senac courses and take advantage of a unique opportunity. See below!

Do you want to take a professional course with certification valid throughout Brazil, but don't have the money? Senac offers free 100% qualification in different areas of the job market for many teenagers, young people and adults.

There are several free course options for you to study without leaving home, as the training is offered in the distance learning format, allowing you to learn from any place and time. 

Want to know how to enroll in one of the courses? Then keep reading to learn, with a complete and detailed step-by-step guide.

Who can enroll in the free Senac course?

Initially, the courses are aimed mainly at low-income people, offering an opportunity for professional qualification at no cost. 

However, anyone interested in developing new skills and improving their prospects in the job market can participate. 

Sign up for free courses (Image: Disclosure/Click Petróleo e Gás/Canva/Senac

This is because the qualifications were created with the aim of meeting different interests and areas of activity, helping participants to stand out in their careers and achieve their professional goals.

Furthermore, please note that in order to register, you must meet the participation criteria defined by Senac's free tuition program, such as having a monthly family income per person that does not exceed 2 federal minimum wages.

Required documents 

To enroll in free Senac courses, you will need to present the following documents:

  • RG (General Registry);
  • CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry);
  • Recent proof of residence;
  • Declaration of education, if required for the chosen course
  • Proof of income.

These documents are necessary to guarantee your registration and participation in the courses. Take advantage of this opportunity to improve yourself and prepare for the job market with Senac.

Step by step guide on how to enroll in Senac courses

You can enroll in Senac courses through the official website. To do so, you must have a computer with internet access.

Before proceeding with the process, check the prerequisites for the desired qualification and whether there are available vacancies for the class. Then, follow the step-by-step instructions below!

  • Visit the website Senac official and check out information about the Senac Free Program (PSG);
  • Then, check the “Free Courses” options available;
Sign up for Senac courses for free (Image: Disclosure/Senac)
  • Then, choose the qualification and see if registration is open;
  • After clicking on the course, check the information and select the “Sign up” button;
Sign up for Senac courses for free (Image: Disclosure/Senac)
  • Then, create an account on the website, if you do not have one;
  • After that, fill out the form and send all the necessary documentation as requested.

The selection of candidates will be carried out considering the order of selection by State and the availability of vacancies for the desired course. 

Furthermore, the order in which the candidate registers and proof of documentation required for enrollment will be taken into account.

Finally, the schedule with the start dates for registration and courses will be available in the “About the Course” section of each program. Places are limited and subject to availability in each state.

Do the courses provide any certificates?

The courses offered by Senac offer recognized certificates, valued in the job market. 

With these certificates, you can enrich your CV, highlighting your new skills and qualifications to future employers. 

When you complete a course, you will have official proof of your competence, which can open doors to new professional opportunities.

These are unique opportunities to prove your knowledge and even have the chance to get a job in the desired area.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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