Learn how to become a teacher without a degree and the training options

Want to know how to become a teacher without a degree? Check out the training options here, as well as other ways to teach.

You want to know How to be a teacher without a degree? So, know that there are some training alternatives that can help you. In addition, there are other ways to become a teacher, even for those who have a degree or a bachelor's degree. To help you understand the subject better, we will tell you more details about How to be a teacher without a degree below. Check it out!

How to become a teacher without a degree (Image: Julia M Cameron/Pexels)

What are the requirements to be a teacher in the public education system?

To work as a teacher in public schools, you must meet requirements that vary according to the teaching stage. See below who can teach in each of these stages.

Early Childhood Education

To teach in early childhood education, which includes daycare centers and preschools, the teacher must have training in Pedagogy with specific qualification for this age group.

This course provides the pedagogical basis necessary to work with young children, addressing aspects of child development and teaching methods appropriate for this stage.

Elementary Education

In the initial years of elementary school (1st to 5th grade), the requirement is similar to that of early childhood education. That is, the teacher must have training in Pedagogy

In this case, the pedagogue is responsible for teaching all basic subjects such as Portuguese, mathematics, science, history and geography.

For the final years of elementary school (6th to 9th grade), the requirement is more specific.

The teacher must have a full degree in the area in which you intend to teach. For example, to teach science, the teacher must have a degree in Biological Sciences or related areas. 

High School

To teach in high school, the requirements are similar to those for the final years of elementary school. In other words, the teacher must have a full degree in the subject you intend to teach. 

Due to the complexity and higher level of the content, it is essential that the teacher is specialized in the corresponding area of knowledge.

Training options for graduates and technologists who want to teach

First of all, it is worth highlighting that bachelors and technologists who want to teach can start a Bachelor's degree course and teach in public schools 6 months after starting the course.

In addition, it is also possible to take a course in pedagogical complementation, which usually lasts 1 to 2 years. 

This course is aimed at professionals who have a diploma, but do not have a degree. 

Therefore, it offers the pedagogical training necessary to work as a teacher, enabling the transition to the educational field and enabling the professional to teach in their field of training.

Other ways to be a teacher without a degree 

The teaching career is one of the most noble and essential in society, responsible for shaping future generations and transmitting knowledge. 

Although a bachelor's degree is the most common qualification for those who want to work in teaching, there are other ways to become a teacher. 

If you are interested in teaching, but do not have a degree, know that below we will show you the different training possibilities that can open doors to teaching.

Performance in free courses

One of the alternatives for those who want to teach without having a degree is to work in free courses, which can include areas such as languages, IT, music, arts, etc. 

They generally do not require a specific degree. In fact, what counts in these cases is practical knowledge and experience in the area you intend to teach. 

Therefore, if you are an experienced professional or have specialized knowledge in a certain subject, you can apply to teach at independent schools, cultural centers or create your own online course.

Teaching in technical and vocational schools

Another option is to work as a teacher in technical and vocational schools. 

These institutions offer courses focused on technical and professional training, preparing students for the job market in specific areas such as electronics, mechanics, IT, etc.

However, in many of these schools, it is necessary to have an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree in the area of activity or a pedagogical complement, in addition to the undergraduate degree.

Private lessons and tutoring

Another alternative is to offer private lessons or tutoring. Here, the requirement for formal training is generally lower, as long as you have mastered the content you are teaching.

Therefore, a bachelor or technologist can teach in those areas that he studied at university and that he has a lot of mastery over.

Since many parents and students are looking for tutors who can provide individualized attention, this can be a great way to become a teacher without a degree.

Daniele Freitas
Written by

Daniele Freitas


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