Senai electrical engineering course: how to register for free

Check out more details about the Senai electrical engineering course, available vacancies and the step-by-step guide on how to sign up!

Do you know the Senai electrical engineering course? With it, you can acquire new knowledge and skills to stand out in the job market. Below, we tell you more details about it. Senai electrical engineering course and how you can sign up!

curso de eletrotécnica Senai
Source: Reproduction | FIEC System

Senai electrical engineering course

Have you ever thought about enrolling in one of the most employable courses? With Senai's electrical engineering course, it's possible! This is because, with it, you can acquire super interesting knowledge and skills.

THE electrical engineering course at Senai It is an incredible option for those who already have a knack for the field, but are looking for a degree.

The list of subjects you will find in the course is varied, and seeks to alternate between classroom subjects and application of content in laboratories:

  • Basic concepts of electricity
  • Residential and industrial electrical installations
  • Electrical circuits
  • Electrical equipment and devices
  • Electrical maintenance
  • Safety in electrical installations and services
  • Industrial automation
  • Applied electronics
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Electrical technical drawing
  • Electrical project management
  • Technical standards and regulations

Furthermore, Senai has a strong partnership with local companies. In other words, several companies in your city may value your Senai diploma and choose to hire you, knowing the level of studies at the units.

And we cannot forget that the electrical engineering is a super versatile area, with opportunities in various sectors, from civil construction to the automotive industry, including renewable energy and telecommunications.

So, if you are interested in electricity, enjoy challenges and want practical and recognized training, the electrical engineering course at Senai could be the right path for you!

How much does the electrical engineering course cost?

THE course lasts 2 years. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay the registration fee and also the monthly fees throughout the study period.

Currently, the average cost of the course is R$49.90 to R$499.90 (monthly fee). The total cost of the course varies between R$4,000 and R$8,000.

curso de eletrotécnica Senai
Source: Reproduction | Freepik

Therefore, you will need to make a payment. However, you can also take advantage of internship or integrated high school programs, where companies pay for students to study, or scholarships.

Study electrical engineering for free at Senai

THE Senai offers a scholarship program which aims to provide access to professional education for those who do not have the financial means to cover the costs of the courses.

This scholarship program includes full and partial options, depending on the candidate's socioeconomic situation.

To apply, interested parties must meet some specific criteria, such as being enrolled in or having completed high school, and proving family income.

curso de eletrotécnica Senai
Source: Reproduction | CPET

Applications for scholarships are generally carried out through the Senai website or directly at the units, where candidates go through a selection process that includes document analysis and, in some cases, interviews.

Therefore, to study for free on the Senai Electrical Engineering course, in addition to the scholarship program, there are other opportunities, such as partnership programs with companies that finance the training of new professionals in exchange for future hires.

How does registration for the Electrical Engineering course at Senai work?

To access the electrical engineering course, it's very simple. Below, we'll tell you everything you need to know in a few steps:

  • Step 1: access the Senai website in your region;
  • Step 2: read the registration carefully and enroll in the course;
  • Step 3: check if the class days and times are compatible with your schedule;
  • Step 4: pay the registration fee, if applicable;
  • Step 5: take the selection test;
    • This step is present in only a few units;
  • Step 6: attend theoretical and practical classes in the classroom;
    • Develop projects;
    • Carry out theoretical and practical assessments;
    • Complete mandatory supervised internship.

After registering, attending classes and submitting activities within the scheduled times, you will be able to receive your diploma.

Therefore, the document can help you find good job opportunities both in Brazil and abroad.

Cindy Borges
Written by

Cindy Borges

Teacher, writer by love and pianist at heart.


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