10 Rights of Young Apprentices at Work: Find Out How to Apply

Find out what all the rights of a Young Apprentice are at work and how you can apply!

If you are interested in the vacancies available through the program, it is extremely important that you know what the rights of young apprentices at work. With this in mind, we have brought here the complete list of rights of Young Apprentices at work, plus a step-by-step guide on how to request them!

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What are the 10 rights of young apprentices at work?

Young apprentices have a series of rights guaranteed by Brazilian legislation, mainly according to the Apprenticeship Law (Law No. 10,097/2000) and Decree No. 5,598/2005.

Although it is a part-time job, young apprentices can benefit equally as a full-time worker.

Below, you will find the 10 rights of Young Apprentices at work and even learn how to make a request.

signed contract

The young apprentice must have a special employment contract, with a maximum duration of two years, except in the case of a person with a disability.

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Reduced working hours

The apprentice's working day must be a maximum of 6 hours per day, and may reach 8 hours per day if the young person has already completed elementary school, as long as the hours allocated to theoretical learning are included in this period.


The apprentice is entitled to a minimum hourly wage, proportional to the hours worked, respecting the minimum wage of the professional category or the minimum wage, whichever is more favorable.

Paid vacation

The young apprentice is entitled to holidays, which must coincide with school holidays when he is under 18 years of age. Holidays must be paid and cannot be granted during school hours.

13th Salary

Like other workers, apprentices are entitled to a 13th salary, proportional to the time of service provided during the year.

Transportation Voucher

The employer must provide the apprentice with a transport voucher for the journey between home, work and home, as provided for in the legislation.

Social Security Rights

The apprentice is insured by Social Security and is entitled to social security benefits, like any other worker, through contributions. See the examples below!

  • Sickness benefit;
  • Survivor's pension;
  • Maternity pay;
  • Disability retirement;
  • INSS;
  • Between others.


Initially, the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) for the apprentice is 2% on the remuneration.

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Work accident insurance

If you suffer an accident or illness at work, it is the employer's duty to cover the costs of the apprentice's salary during the first 15 days of absence.

Unemployment insurance

Finally, we have unemployment insurance, where the amount is calculated using the average of the last three salaries that the person received and is done by Caixa Econômica Federal.

How to request Young Apprentice rights at work?

First of all, to request rights as a Young Apprentice at work, it is essential to first understand what these rights are according to current labor legislation.

Next, check your employment contract to ensure that all agreed conditions are being met.

So, if there are irregularities, communicate with your employer politely and respectfully, presenting evidence, and try to resolve the situation directly.

If you are unsuccessful, contact the competent labor inspection bodies in your country.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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