Can young apprentices work overtime? See the rules

Want to know if a Young Apprentice can work overtime? Check out the main information here!

You must have already come across information or heard about the Apprenticeship Law, right? However, many doubts remain about this subject, such as Young apprentice can work overtime. Below, we have brought information about the Young apprentice can work overtime, to answer all your questions!

(Image: Reproduction/Web)

What is the Young Apprentice?

You must already be familiar with the Apprenticeship Law, right? It allows medium and large companies to hire young people between the ages of 14 and 18 to work in their organizations during hours that do not conflict with their studies.

This program aims to offer young Brazilians the opportunity for their first job, guaranteeing them basic labor and social security rights, in addition to promoting the development of professional skills and abilities.

It also represents an opportunity for businesspeople from different sectors to contribute to the training of future professionals in the country, transmitting the values and culture of their companies.

It is crucial to highlight that the Young Apprentice program is governed by specific rules, which can be found in Law No. 10,097, of December 19, 2000.

In fact, one of the main questions about the program concerns overtime. After all, is an apprentice allowed to work overtime? Continue reading this article to find out.

Can a young apprentice work overtime?

According to Brazilian law, young apprentices cannot work overtime. This is established in the Apprenticeship Law (Law No. 10,097/2000) and also in Decree No. 5,598/2005, which regulates the hiring of apprentices.

These rules determine that the apprentice's working hours must be compatible with their school schedule and cannot exceed six hours per day, totaling 30 hours per week.

Therefore, any work beyond this limit cannot be considered as overtime for the apprentice, as it could interfere with their educational process and is not provided for in the legislation governing this type of employment contract.

Benefits of hiring a Young Apprentice?

The benefits of hiring a Young Apprentice program go beyond the company. Among them are:

  • Access to federal tax incentives that favor companies;
  • Positive reinforcement of the company's reputation in society, demonstrating social responsibility and promoting education;
  • Encouraging the promotion of moral and ethical values in the corporate environment;
  • Opportunity for entrepreneurs to actively contribute to the formation of engaged citizens, improving the quality of life of the new Brazilian generation.”
(Image: Reproduction/Web)

Penalties for non-compliance with rules

Failure to comply with the rules and apprentice quotas may result in penalties, ranging from warnings to fines, the amounts of which vary from R$ 408.25 to R$ 2,041.25.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure the correct calculation of the apprentice hiring quota and to strictly follow the terms established in the decree that regulates this type of employment contract.

It is worth noting that the new rules have been in force since their publication. However, for contracts signed before this date (04/06/2023), the old regulations remain valid until the end of the contract.

In short, the employment contract in the apprentice category offers a valuable opportunity for young people to begin their professional career, acquire quality knowledge and aim for future effective employment.

For companies, hiring apprentices represents not only a way to promote diversity in their team, but also to fulfill their social role, strengthen their organizational culture and enjoy tax benefits, thus avoiding possible penalties for non-compliance with established quotas.

Shenya Thays
Written by

Shenya Thays


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