Are Young Apprentices entitled to FGTS? See what benefits they receive

Find out if the Young Apprentice is entitled to FGTS and what labor benefits are received!

Want to know if the Are Young Apprentices entitled to FGTS? This is one of the main doubts of young people and teenagers who are looking for their first job. In this content, you can find out if the Young Apprentice is entitled to FGTS.

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Is the Young Apprentice entitled to FGTS?

Yes, Young Apprentices are entitled to FGTS. FGTS is a fund created to protect workers in the event of unfair dismissal.

In principle, for apprentices, the FGTS rate is different from that of other workers. While other workers have 8% of their salary deposited in the FGTS by the employer, for Young Apprentices this rate is 2%.

Initially, these deposits are made monthly into the worker's account at Caixa Econômica Federal.

As with other workers, the amount corresponding to the apprentice's FGTS is deposited monthly into a linked account, which is opened at Caixa Econômica Federal in their name.

This deposit is made by the employer and is intended to guarantee the employee's financial security in cases of unfair dismissal, retirement, purchase of a home, among others.

What other benefits are apprentices entitled to?

In addition to the FGTS, the Young Apprentice is entitled to several other benefits provided for by law. Let's take a look at some of them:

Minimum wage

Young Apprentices are entitled to receive at least the minimum hourly wage. This means that payment must be proportional to the hours worked.

However, it is important to say that this value is stipulated by the government and varies depending on the state.

Reduced Working Hours

The working hours of a Young Apprentice are different from those of regular workers, although their contract is formal.

The workday can be up to 6 hours a day for those who are still studying elementary school, and up to 8 hours for those who have already completed elementary school.

Paid Holidays

Young Apprentices are entitled to paid vacations, which should preferably coincide with school holidays. This ensures that the young person can rest and take advantage of the vacation period for their personal activities.

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Transportation Voucher

The employer must provide the Young Apprentice with a transport voucher to guarantee their travel to and from work.

Please note that this benefit is essential to ensure that young people can complete their workday without additional costs.

13th Salary

Like other workers, Young Apprentices are also entitled to the 13th salary, which is an extra payment made at the end of each year.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the value is proportional to the length of the contract and the months worked in the year.

Social Security Contribution

The Young Apprentice contributes to Social Security, which ensures that he has access to social security benefits, such as:

  • Retirement by age;
  • Disability retirement;
  • Sickness benefit;
  • Between others.

Furthermore, contributions are made by the employer and the apprentice, ensuring the young person’s social protection.

Importance of the Young Apprentice Program

The Young Apprentice program is extremely important for the professional development of young Brazilians.

Know that it provides a first experience in the job market, which is essential for personal and professional growth.

Furthermore, young people learn about labor rights and duties, contributing to the formation of more aware citizens who are prepared for the future.

For companies, hiring Young Apprentices also brings benefits, such as the possibility of training future employees in accordance with the organization's culture and values.

Companies participating in the program comply with the quota established by law and can benefit from tax incentives.

Juliana Raquel
Written by

Juliana Rachel


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