Apprentice Profile Test: best online tools for HR

Looking for a profile test for Young Apprentices? Then check out the best tools available online!

For you who are looking for a profile test for young apprentice, there are several useful online tools that HR departments can consider. We have separated for you some of the best options profile test for young apprentice.

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How important are tests for employees?

What manager doesn't want to form the team of their dreams and, with it, achieve high levels of productivity, motivation and engagement? This is a crucial responsibility that the team in charge of selecting professionals carries, since the biggest challenge that companies face internally is turnover.

When the Human Resources department conducts recruitment and selection tests appropriately, using excellent tools, the probability of retaining this professional in the company is much higher than in a process without criteria or inconsistent.

Personality Tests

  1. 16Personalities: Provides a comprehensive personality profile analysis based on the Myers-Briggs model. It can help identify behavioral traits and learner preferences.
  2. Big Five Personality Test: It assesses the five main personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and emotional stability), useful for understanding the work style and behavior of young people.

Skills and Competences Assessment

  • SHL (Cognitive Ability Tests): Provides cognitive assessment tests that measure analytical, numerical, and verbal skills.
  • Berke Assessment: It helps to identify behavioral skills and competencies such as communication, teamwork and adaptability.
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Technical Skills Assessment

  • Codility: Useful for assessing programming and logical reasoning skills, important in technical learning environments.
  • LinkedIn Skill Assessments: It offers technical skills tests in various areas, such as Microsoft Office, programming and digital marketing.

Recruitment Platforms with Assessment Features

  • Gupy: In addition to being a recruitment platform, it offers assessment resources and customizable profile tests for apprentice candidates.
  • HireVue: Enables recorded video interviews and automated behavioral assessments.
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Soft Skills Assessment

  • Vervoe: Helps assess behavioral skills and specific competencies through job simulations and situational questions.
  • Pymetrics: It uses cognitive games to measure characteristics such as problem-solving, resilience and empathy.

How important is it to apply HR tests in selection processes?

HR tests enable recruiters to identify candidates who meet the minimum requirements for the position. This is essential to ensure that candidates have the skills and knowledge required for the position.

Therefore, this is a crucial step that the recruitment and selection sector must adopt to avoid making the wrong hires.

Before choosing a tool, it is important to consider the specific needs of the apprenticeship program and the objectives of the assessment. Additionally, ensuring that the tool is appropriate for the age range and experience level of the candidates is essential to obtaining accurate and relevant results.

Shenya Thays
Written by

Shenya Thays


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