Senac: cursos gratuitos disponíveis, vagas, inscrições e mais

Senac: free courses available, vacancies, registrations and more

Looking to qualify for a job, but lack of money for tuition is...

July 12, 2024 - Juliana Raquel Keep reading
Franquias de cafeterias de sucesso: elas faturaram R$500 mil em 2024

Successful coffee shop franchises: they made R$1,450,000 in revenue in 2024

If you're looking to invest in successful coffee shop franchises, find out how these options...

July 10, 2024 - Cindy Borges Keep reading
Curso de técnico de som Senai: como se inscrever grátis

Senai sound technician course: how to register for free

Taking the Senai sound technician course can be a great option for those who...

July 8, 2024 - Cindy Borges Keep reading
Colgate trabalhe conosco: como enviar currículo para vagas abertas

Colgate work with us: how to submit a resume for open positions

Colgate Work With Us has open positions! And we can help you send...

July 4, 2024 - Cindy Borges Keep reading
Curso de ar condicionado Senai: como se inscrever grátis

Senai air conditioning course: how to register for free

Have you ever thought about enrolling in a course where you can graduate quickly...

July 3, 2024 - Cindy Borges Keep reading
Cursos gratuitos do Sesc: lista e vagas disponíveis

Free Sesc courses: list and available vacancies

Don't have the money to pay for courses or don't have the time to study? Free courses from...

July 1, 2024 - Juliana Raquel Keep reading
Jovem aprendiz pode fazer hora extra? Veja regras

Can young apprentices work overtime? See the rules

You have certainly come across information or heard about the Law...

June 30, 2024 - Shenya Thays Keep reading
Jovem Aprendiz Bradesco 2024: como se inscrever para vagas

Bradesco Young Apprentice 2024: how to apply for vacancies

Have you ever thought about getting your first job at one of the biggest banks in Brazil?...

June 19, 2024 - Juliana Raquel Keep reading
7 Franquias baratas para trabalhar no home office: 100% remota

7 Cheap Franchises to Work from Home: 100% Remote

Want to know about cheap franchises to work from home? Know that there are options for...

May 31, 2024 - Juliana Raquel Keep reading
Jovem Aprendiz tem direito a FGTS? Veja quais os benefícios recebidos

Are Young Apprentices entitled to FGTS? See what benefits they receive

Want to know if a Young Apprentice is entitled to FGTS? This is one of the main...

May 31, 2024 - Juliana Raquel Keep reading

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